Dean’s lists
Every quarter Walla Walla University recognizes its top academic achievers by publishing two dean's lists:
The Dean's List
Undergraduate students who have completed 15 or more credits (excluding S credits, IP, RM, and incompletes) and earn a quarter GPA of 3.50-3.749
The Dean's List of Distinguished Students
Undergraduate students who have completed 15 or more credits (excluding S credits, IP, RM, and incompletes) and earn a quarter GPA of 3.75 or above.
Any questions about these lists should be directed to the office of the associate academic vice president.
Dean's List, Distinguished Students, Fall 2023
Dean's List, Distinguished Students, Winter 2024
Dean's List, Spring 2024
Dean's List, Distinguished Students, Spring 2024
Guide to Student Success
Walla Walla University takes pride in providing numerous student support services across campus to ensure students are well cared for in order to succeed in college. Find information about tools, classes, programs, and support to help you achieve your academic goals.
Guide to Student Success >
Student Development Center
The Student Development Center is a hub of resources to support your academic and professional success. Students can receive free tutoring for most classes; get access to career planning, interest assessments, resume building, and interview training through our career services; register for career and professionalism events and search for internships and jobs through our internship services; and learn more about living and learning accommodations through our disability services.Peer Tutoring >
Career services >
Internship services >
Disability support >